Thursday, December 31, 2009


Here we go...
I cut myself
Because I can
Because its' the only pain that I can control
Because it makes me feel larger than life.
But mostly, its because I feel like there's no hope left
Don't tell me that I need help
I've done it all
Those shrinks don't do a thing for me
My friends squirm away from the topic
They don't like when I talk about those things
They care about me, I know that
But what can they do to help me?
I want them to be there for me, but I'm afraid to let them get clsoe
One too many times have I been hurt by someone close to me
One too many times has someone else cause me pain
So now, I bring pain upon myself
Cutting isn't just something I did when I tried everything else
Cutting myself has a meaning to me
If I cause myself this pain, then I beat everyone else to the punch
Now, when someone stands me up or bullies me, I'm already used to the pain
No one can stop me
They all try
They all tell me it's stupid
They all tell me that it's wrong
They talk about how bad they have it
But what they don't know is that it only makes things worse
So just stop, Okay?
Just let me do this
I understand that I could one day kill myself
Just let me do this
Sometimes life gets to be to much, and I want to die
But I never can
Know why?
Because I've controlled my cutting
And I know the risks
So, let me tell you something
I like what I do
Why do you want to take that away from me
Do you want me unhappy?
I'm dealing with life, aren't I?
If I was running from it, would I still be alive?
I don't think so!
Now you know what goes on in my mind
It might be different for other cutters, but this is how it is for me
This is real, so I won't pretend like it isn't
I won't hide it or lie about it
I cut myself!

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